Evelyn Olalekan-Elesin

She lives with her husband and active toddler Son in Berlin, Germany. Her interest in Digital Marketing started in 2018 after she moved to Germany with her husband. She then started getting busy by building her online community where she constantly shared her experiences living, schooling, and working as an Expat family in Germany.

Before moving to Germany, she worked with Access Bank Plc in Lagos Nigeria where she owned her skills as a young professional with a keen interest in digital technology.

Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from a prestigious University in Nigeria and a Master of Science in Scientific Computing at a reputable University in Germany.

she also started her Digital Marketing Company in order to take the burden off business owners by providing them with solutions in regards to their Social Media Strategy, Management, and Marketing.

She is the facilitator for Digital Marketing at GROW WEST AFRICA – SUSTAINABLE INSTITUTE.



Open chat
This is GROW West Africa, we specialize in

1. Customized training in Organic Agriculture & Agroecology
2. Youth Intensive training WLEP for 6 months in Organic Agriculture & Agroecology
3. Produce -Organic vegetables, fruits, yam Organically raised Chicken& Eggs, cassava products

To respond to your request, we operate between 9am-4pm week days
message received after this time may not be responded to until the following working day.

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